Tuesday, January 02, 2007

you know you're a dork when...

you pump your fist all 80s style and exclaim "yesssssssss!" to finding out that you can score some private lessons with an admired dancer.

now... all I have to do is:

*choose my songs (2) to work on
*start choreographing on my own for critique/assistance

Other things I've done today:

*bought the Gypsy Caravan's "Caravan Rhythms" so I can get serious about learning my basic beats- Saidi, Ayoob, Beledi, Masmoodi, Maksoomb. I am going to be plugging this all into my suffle so I can listen to one rhythm per week/practice with it to get it down.

I'm also feeling the need to get more involved in events around Baltimore. sigh. this means getting off my winter-blah tuccus and getting out there.

end transmission


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